The Most Common Playground Injuries
Posted in safety tips on March 22, 2017
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, emergency departments treat more than 200,000 children 14 years and younger for playground-related injuries in the U.S. every year. About 45% of these injuries are severe, such as broken bones, concussions, internal injuries, and limb amputations. Most playground accidents stem from human error or negligence, such… read more
Does Sovereign Immunity Prevent a Lawsuit Against the School?
Posted in Legal Questions on March 16, 2017
Sovereign immunity is a rule that protects governmental agencies and bodies from lawsuits. It makes them immune, meaning other parties cannot sue them. “Sovereign immunity” applies to federal and state governments, while “governmental immunity” applies to city, county, and smaller governmental bodies. Bringing a lawsuit against a school typically falls under rules of the local… read more
Injuries Off School Grounds and School Liability
Posted in Legal Questions on December 16, 2016
When your child suffers an injury away from the home, your first question is likely, “Who is responsible?” Parents trust their children to the hands of teachers, supervisors, and school staff under the assumption that school employees will do what’s in the child’s best interests. Unfortunately, negligent school employees all too often fail to adequately… read more
Negligent Hiring, Supervision, and Retention in California Schools
Posted in Legal Questions on December 16, 2016
Sadly, California’s schools aren’t impervious to negligent, reckless, and malicious employees. The courts will often hold the school district strictly liable for the actions or inactions of its employees if they result in student injury. Since the school district employs teachers and staff members, the district must abide by the same standards of care as… read more
California Education Code: Duty to Warn of Violent Propensities
Posted in Legal Questions on December 16, 2016
California school districts implement many laws, rules, and regulations to help in the event of altercations, accidents, and emergencies. Lawmakers describe these provisions in the California Education Code – a code in 69 parts. Students have the right to attend peaceful, safe, and secure campuses to promote education throughout the state of California. The school… read more
California Schools Duty to Suspend
Posted in Legal Questions on October 24, 2016
Each year, student injury settlements cost California’s school districts millions of dollars. Students may sustain injuries on school grounds or under a school employee’s supervision during recess, in classrooms, in fights with other students, during school sports, and even from third-party criminal assaults. A number of factors contribute to the high rate of student injury,… read more
Does Your Child’s School Have an Adequate Emergency Plan?
Posted in harmful policy,Legal Questions on September 26, 2016
When you send your children to school, you likely assume they will be safe on campus, under the care of responsible adults. While this may be true on a day-by- day basis, will your child’s school react appropriately in the event of an emergency? Emergency plans are vital to student safety. Every parent deserves the right to feel… read more
How to Spot Unsafe Playground Equipment and What to Do About It
Posted in safety tips on September 26, 2016
Safe playground equipment is ultimately the manufacturer’s responsibility, but diligence on the part of parents and supervisors can help protect children from hazards. Unsafe playground equipment is a more common occurrence than many parents realize, often due to manufacturer negligence in design or assembly. More than 200,000 children in the U.S. have to seek treatment for playground-related injuries every… read more
What is Dry (or Delayed) Drowning?
Posted in safety tips on September 26, 2016
Most parents are aware of the risk of children drowning during water activities, but many have never heard of dry drowning. Dry drowning, or secondary/delayed drowning, is a frightening possibility for any child who has been in water recently. Dry drowning may sound like an oxymoron, but it happens much the same as typical drowning. When a child… read more
How to Respond to a Water Emergency
Posted in safety tips on September 26, 2016
Tragedy struck the Murrieta Valley Unified School District when 13-year-old student Alex Pierce passed away after an end-of-year school swim party. Alex’s parents filed a wrongful death claim with help from their legal representation at Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP, against the school district. His death was preventable, as he was at the bottom… read more